How to draw a bow-tie pattern?

Let's see how to make a bow tie pattern!

As we know, there is not only one type of bow tie. So it is quite difficult to make a universal pattern for all patterns. But if you understand the basics, then you can free your mind to do whatever you want.

We're going to make the classic bow-tie. This one:

This is the classic bow tie pattern to tie yourself or with a ribbon around the neck.


Draw your bow tie pattern.

Step 1

First step Bow tie pattern drawing

Start by drawing a rectangle 12cm long and 5cm high.

Divide it into 3 parts of 4cm each.

Draw a horizontal line in the middle and add 10cm.


Step 2

Second step Bow tie pattern drawing

On the middle left line, draw two marks 1cm apart from the horizontal line in the middle.

On the middle right line, draw two marks 0,5 apart from the reglangle.

On the right line draw two marks 0,6cm apart from the middle horizontal line.


Step 3

Third step Bow tie pattern drawing

Connect the dots according to the picture.

Make sure that the lines are identical. You can fold your paper at the horizontal line to help you out.


Step 4

Fourth step Bow tie pattern drawing

Draw your seam allowance at 1cm all around.


Making a bow tie to tie yourself

The right hand side of your pattern is left undrawn because you are going to add the length of your collar stand. Take your shirt collar and calculate the length of the collar stand from the middle front to the other.

Pattern bow tie to tie yourself

This is usually between 40 and 44 cm. So add half of that length to your pattern, then add the seam allowances around it and you're done! You have your classic bow tie pattern.


Making an adjustable bow tie

If you want to make an adjustable bow tie, add an extra 10 cm to the right. You will then sew a ribbon with bow tie adjusters. We will see this technique in a next article.

Adjustable bow tie pattern

More shape ideas

I've drawn you some other knot patterns so that you have an idea of how you can transform your pattern.

The great thing is that you can do whatever you want! The main idea is to keep the thin part around the neck and create a bow on the front. Then the shape is up to your imagination!

more bowtie shapes ideas

In the next article we will see how to cut and sew your bow tie!

I hope this article has been useful to you! If you design a bow tie pattern, feel free to take a picture, post it on your socials and tag us! That way we can see your progress!

Happy pattern making!


Learn about Bow-Ties


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