A letter from the Couture Hacker Team

Couture Hacker is an online pattern blog where you can learn all the secrets of sewing like a pro.

The goal is to debunk sewing and to help you create whatever you want.

About the designer

Agathe B. is a french fashion designer, seamstress, and part-time world traveller, with 10+ years of experience in various fields of the fashion industry, from Haute-Couture to Cabaret costume. 

“I want you to understand that there isn’t a single path or one unique “proper” way to the making of a garment.”

What we noticed

We all have our own ideas and our own way of seeing the world. Making a garment is a personal process that shouldn’t be restricted by one designer’s design.

However, we noticed a lack of creativity and freedom when we looked through pattern websites and shops and we want to fix that.

So, here are some questions for you: 

  • Do you want to make your own clothes?

  • Do you think that making your own clothes is difficult?

  • Do you find the style of clothing you want in the pattern shops?

  • Are you scared of patterns?

  • Do you think you don't have the skills to sew and that you are limited by your technique?

These are all limiting thoughts and that is why we exist.

Pattern Remix was created to try and change the way you think about clothing and how you can sew your own designs. 

How are we going to change that?

Through weekly articles and exercises, we will help you create your own designs, learn sewing techniques, draw a pattern or modify an existing pattern. 

And if you want to, create a garment that reflects you and your personality and which makes you feel good.

What will you find here?

Very soon we will also be launching a paid membership, courses, downloadable patterns, and much more, to help you achieve a higher level of sewing freedom, and create your own clothes.

It's all about patience and a willingness to move towards a better world. That's what we're fighting for.

And that's what we want for you.

We hope you will join us.

From the C.Hackers Team